Project Pan | 2018

Okay guys, I think I’m back. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to get back into writing, and I just haven’t felt the tug to continue with the book I started writing just yet, but I’ve wanted to get back into posting on this blog. I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep my blog domain name the same but for now it stays, along with all of my old posts in case you want to make me cringe while you read them.

I really want to focus this blog mostly on beauty and fitness. I love makeup; that’s a fact. But, I just recently received a Fitbit from my parents this Christmas and I’m trying hard this year to focus on becoming the best me that I can be and that means getting healthy. So I’m thinking some weekly Fitbit updates, posts on me trying out new recipes etc. I don’t want to focus too much on the scale – as that is what has kept me from continuing on getting fit in the past; I am very impatient and when I don’t see results, I quit. So, I will not be weighing myself regularly.

My aim for this blog in 2018 will be to do at least one post a week. That can’t be too hard, can it?

So, for my first post back (along with this lovely update for you all) is ….. a Project Pan for 2018!

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